Hello to everyone i spoke to last nite! I seemed to meet quite a few faces of the board last nite for the first time, no doubt i would have bored u with my shit converstaions! but hello to everyone and it was nice to meet u all!
did you have a red top on? not sure whether i spoke to u but i think Bouze pointed you out to me. Well hello anyway!
I met ya Paul! I'm must have been tired, cos you said you were DJ Paul, and I asked what ya real name was, doh! Come and say hi again next time, it's lush meeting ppl off the boards there! and hi to Karl51 (real name : Karl!) and Smart E... I'll try to keep you up again all night Oh, oh! and you owe me a bracelet, bitch!
Init, same, hello to everyone I met last nite too!! Big HELLO to everyone I spoke to last nite, sorry if I seemed hammered... I WAS!! Damn all you peeps who keep buyin me the vodka-redbull!! Not really, was much appreciated!!