help me! im gonna gnaw my hand off! sumbody help me. im bored. oh so bored. i want to go out but i have 20 squid to last me threw till september. my head is going nuts. i tried just sitting here in peace and my mother starts cleaning...dusters and vaccum cleaners at 9pm! sheesh! i am so bored i have resorted to doing the word puzzles in womens magazines! please please gonna start gnawing my limbs off!
why dont u flyer for promise.....then u can get free entry if u do a good job, i think.....dont guarentee anythin, but thats the crack in most places. plus u get to laugh at all the beer boys and girls being drunk.....te he he!
not a bad plan as i need cash and sumthing to stop me going wud cost me 10.60 to get from darlo and back to do the flyering in the toon and darlo clubs are so pathetic flyering is useless
oh rite, sorry...thought you had just moved to the toon, just jump the train....its the easiest thing in the world from darlo newcastle....done it many a time!
i have to sympatise withv ya like! cos for tonight im also stuck in sunny old tynemouth!! got nee money and oo is probably gonna be mint tonigt! nevermid thers always nextweek i suppose eh?