HELP! my cat thinks its a dog! wots goin on??? i keep throwin a ball 4 david n he keeps bringin it back to that not the behaviour of a doggy??? maybe ive scared their little brains by callin dave dave when really hes a girl...but thinks hes a boy.......he finx he got a willy 4 xmas for gods sake! n then theres mitzi....she just permenantly looks spangled.... WOT HAVE I DONE?????
lmao hrrrmmmmm maybe you should write into animal hospital and get rolfs official verict. u have a cat called mitzi too... we do (fufu and me) but its erm boring and fat... not spangled or fun - just fat.
but seriously...mitzi has these mad hooooj saucer eyes...i mean they just aint normal... do u fink its all in a name??? *spooky*
No, like I said before. You cats ate some of my Ket (a perfectly legal substance in case you where wondering). I feel this is behind their erratic behaviour. We all saw what effect this horrible and unpredictable drug had on "Shooting Star"..... Perhaps having you as a role model/parent figure has not help the cats in their "teen"age years either. A combination of these factors has led to this condition often referred to as "Moggie-Mong-Mong-atosics". Try not to feed your cats Ket or let them spend time with that nasty "Saggy Baggy Belly" down the road. Things should improve with time. Rolf.
my mates Dog looks like its off its head all the time aswell, and it strangly resembles one of my mates when hes mashed