hi-gate - saxuality sorry people i know the only tunes i ever seem to talk about are ones that are associated with a certain mr jules but has anyone heard this song, im sure some of u will have, its by hi-gate but it doesnt sound as if its by hi-gate and the only way to describe it is a typical cafe mambo song, if anyones seen jules play there u'll know what i mean, its got a saxophone in and its just like when that man accompanies julesys sets at mambo in ibiza oh i wish i was goin this year but never mind, but this song just captures mambo to a 't' and bings back all the memories ov ibiza its bootiful!! just wondered what everyone else thinks of it??!! xxxx
Re: hi-gate - saxuality i ve got one of jules sets from Cafe Mambo with the saxophone player. It definately does sound very cool!!
thy're both mint tunes like arent they but saxuality sounds nothink at all like hig-ates usual stuff, tis dead dead good though. cant wait 4 the album to be out xxx
clergy - oboe song (green martian mix) is meant to be good - jules has been canin it on his show past month or so, but i cant for the life of me remember how it goes! d'oh! do remember that it sounds quite green martian-ey tho!
he's bin playin the original 4 over a year now he produced it himself didnt he (well done jules *clap clap clap*!!) The green martian remix is exactly the same apart from a dodgy note in the chorus bit which makes it sound a bit strange im tryin to think of how to describe it but i cant think how. it has an oboe in it hhmm no suprises there then, hence the title if u go on his radio 1 website u can download some of his recent shows so it mite be in the tracklistings for them, not to sure though.......... xxxx
cheers for the info my own fault i dont know it tho - havent got round to 'acquirin' a copy yet - have had access to a copy on mp3 for a bit but i cant be arsed downloadin it lol!
i downloaded a tune that was apprantlee higate -saxuality.. but when i downloaded it turned out 2 b sum wierd tune about sum 'treasurer' guy and this other wierd guy and i was thinkin eh but its not saxuality cos i 'erd julesy play it the other day ah well i will finds it sumwhere dee dum dee dum......