hope this helps guys.... been doin a bit of promoting 4 ya over on Gurn.net, hope ya dont mind http://www.gurn.net/forums/showthread.php?threadid=76084 we need more people to know of this amazin new chapter in the rise of promise!!!!
I tried it on Jules' board, and one twat told me to fuck off, and two mins later, some arsey admin deleted my thread, what a load of wankers, its not like the Jules board is tryin to promote any particular night!!
Re: hope this helps guys.... please dont advertise promise on gurn...in my opinion, its full of total arses who think they rule clubland...the board is massive yet there is never anything worth reading on it
the link at the top is also an excellent advert 4 the sort of twats u get on gurn, who think they r amazin at all they do.
Er.. tidy taber???? I mean - who the fuck does he think he is! his comments were just so unneccessary. what a tosser
the strange thing is i actually know him from crasher and often chat wiv him an his mates, and used 2 get on wiv him on gurn? c, its looserville i tell u!