how nice is it? actually spend a weekend by yerself!? summat i aint done in years!!! u can do wot u want, wen u want...... eat wot u want....drink/smoke wot u want! ive had such a nice weekend ......who needs GG??
me 2! i enjoyed just sitting on my bed with a glass of wine and a girly flick im not leaving my room ever again
this weekend was meant to be less fun for me.. but i ended up goin to promise onf riday then back to imacs house for a party.. went home... went in the shower.... got ready.... went straight to work (without any sleep!!!)..... then went to a BBQ.... had some beers etc.... then off to shindig to see tim deluxe.. home at about 3.30am on sunday... how fucked was i!!!!! Very!!
MMMMMMMM.........sounds nice! i wish i had a garden for a BBQ any1 want 2 invite me 2 1 they can do....................
had a non eventful weekend too...but with havin a bairn i never get 5 mins to een think about doing some thing..
i have had a boring weekend as well... spent 3 hrs on my dex 2day..... boy have i got a stiff one (neck )
well mine was alreet, nowt special like...... but i did manage to recover sum vnyl of mine last night! weeeeeeee....... cheers jay (one eyed)
mine was rather un eventfull! durham on friday... thrill ov thrills! stayed in wit me bed and me telly on sat! watched species... agen how intresting!?! sunday wen 2 a bbq, woz an alrite nite, ulthough i hav an interview in 1 hr and me hed is still nacking! note 2 self.... dont drink pints (EVA) specially wen u hav eaten nowt all day!