How painful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bad start to the day or what????? Oh yeah this isnt me!!!!!!!!!
no not at all.. but that entire concept is wrong, in fact just typing about it has me shaking with with fear! how could anyone let alone do that.. but photograph it!!! go backs to shuddering with fear
Sorry people i just had to share my discusst with the rest of the board...some1 E-mailed it 2 me and i thought exacterly the same as you guys... ERRRRERRR Didnt mean to offend any one!!!!!
NO no, we aint sayin u r wrong or anything like that!! We ( I think I speak on behalf of all) thrive on stupid shit like that!! Not too much, but it is funny!!
Nee worries I understand what ya mean now....I am just dead slow at clicken on what people