Next time I go out I wont be able to stop imagining that everyone looks like goats on drugs! I think I had better stay in or it could be really scary.
i dont know why...ive been blubbing since 10pm last night im weird...i get funnier the more depressed i am
there are scarier things...once me and miss messy were watching holby city and this WEIRD WEIRD scary looking manly woman was on (her daughter had died but we cudnt stop laughing) we rang messy's mum who screamed "aarrgghh its a horse in drag" now THAT was scary...she was sooo like a horse in drag
tell me that as punishment for not listening to my elders i shall have nasty scarred boobs for the rest of my life
Sounds most alarming! But can you imagine a club full of battered goats, perhaps with a horse in drag thrown in for good measure?
this is the scariest thing ive seen for a while. this is what 24 hr binges do to you (please no majoy insults, it is me after all!)
Actually Si, he looks like an 18-year version of you !!! Did you look like that when you were a teenager????