how sh*t is this i gotta a car for me bithday and paid lessons right but i also have a motorbike but that got knicked and smashed up bye a bunch of shit heads so i have two mintos forms of travel but i cant use them and have to use the bus
Re: how sh*t is this What kinda car did u get, something fast? Brum brum P.S - motorbikes are dangerous and shite
whoop! my car jus passed its mot an didn't need anything doing to it! gutted tho mate cos its shite having to take public transport...
yes they are they fucking stink you can always garantee that u some horrible fat stinking scrut trys to sit next to you and jim bikes are cool as fuck so ner
no me get off ya cunt wouldnt trust u with a remote controled bike u would still do damage with that says me that crashed into a bus
yeah Karl he can get me and you on the insurance then we can drive him about in it. were we not talking about this the other day
nah were on about jims dads motor bike p.s jim bikes are safer the some horrible stinking cunt rubbing ther sweat and dirty clothes on to ya
coz there is people like you who have passed ther driving test making motor bike riders just another crash statistic
I can drive but ive got a car with an engine that needs new head gaskets. Im plannin a twin turbo conversion next year
spark up a tab & it'll come!!! jay-jay thats canny harsh..i'll think of you when i'm driving in my car & your on a bus!!!