Human-Cow embryos Good to see the Toon leading the world I think it's a great idea, but trust some fat podger in a horrible shirt and tie to be on the news trying to prevent valuable research
I suspect they have been doing this for some years now. I think I may have woken up with the product of just such an experiment last saturday morning
Unbelievable. Looks like our idiot government is going to try to prevent this, largely on the basis of a religious backlash according to the papers. Why are theologists questioned about ethics? Why not other specialists in history or fictional literature? What do they know about the suffering of the people this research tries to help? It's not like their alternative, to pray for those crippled by degenerative disease, has shown much usefulness. This was an area in which the UK and Newcastle in particular was leading the world. We had the potential for massive economic and social benefits, we had top scientists from the US (who are even more crippled by their superstitious citizens than us) moving over to pursue their research. If there are valid ethical and moral considerations there must certainly be a full appraisal, but to say that this 'breaks down species barriers' is no more true than it breaks down species barriers when I eat a bacon sandwich. Watch now as the research, expertise and funding swims abroad and out of our research faciltiies.
I agree ... the research prob will just go elsewhere. We are all gung-ho about the wrong things in this country I finished my Genetics degree 10 years ago now (scary!!), and it's a shame to see that we don't seem to be have progressed as far as I had hoped in terms of research producing real medical benefits. I lot of research seems to me to be funded by companies who just want to make money by patenting as much as they can. Or maybe i'm just an old (well that's a definate!!) cynic