I am the only one that Likes hardcore/happy hardcore? I know where peoples allegiences lie around here. I understand Trance or Techno is the number one preference around here. Which is fine, because they are my main loves too.... however... i like hardcore and happy hardcore too, surely im not the only one! please... anyone who is with me. Give a shout! surely i aint the only one!
Re: I am the only one that Likes hardcore/happy hardcore? i like some , depends wot it is really tho, this is mainly cos its the music i grew up on , old skool hardcore etc !!
Good choice, was listening to that the other day funnily enough Still enjoy most bonkers cds like. Im not too keen on really cheesey vocals (odd considering hardcore is full of em), i prefer the harder trancier sort of tunes
No, you're not mate. I used to totally love it. Went kind of off the stuff around '97 though because it went far too cheesy. Even the Judgement Day's before they finished started to rinse some of the happier stuff (In the main room anyway). Was gutted when they ended up moving the stage to the left of the Uni because it wasn't getting as full anymore. I remember at one point I must have had about 150+ tapes from all the different Northern and Scottish events. Lost a lot of them now, but still have the essentials like Rezerection Equinox tape pack, The Event 2, Awakening of '96, Rez V pack and a few of the earlier (and better) Judgement Day, Fushion, Nosebleed, Fubar tapes. I started to get back into the older stuff after finding a lot on eBay over the last few years. Don't really listen to any of the new stuff I see advertised though.... I'm still well into a lot of the stuff people like M-Zone, Marie Chantel, Dolphin etc.. used to knock out too.
Tapes!?!? I used to buy them at every rave I went to or bought them at Traxx Records Shop but I would be lucky if I could find 2 now. Traxx I wonder what ever happened to the people who used to work there, anyone know?
Didn't Jussy and Sneaky Eye etc work there?? I know the used to be in Bass Generator on Dean Street, but I'm sure when that went they were in Traxx for a bit. Might be wrong like?
Trax became flying with scott,scooby and mark armstrong. Bass generator moved to loony tunes then that became bass generator with jus and guy.