i need Lost Season 2 ep 17 Right. i've got 16 then 18 till 21 - i'm missing epsiode 17. Does this matter - i was going to catch up watching them all this week but Laz who gets them all for me is in Mexico (thoughtless cocksmith) and i didn't get it from him - so my question is :- 1) is it one of the slow episodes that i can happily miss? 2) if not, can someone upload a version to some webspace somewhere? it can't be a torrent (no torrents at work) and it can't be a newsgroup link (NBZ - i've used up my one-off quota on vista and Mac OS x build - NANA - YOU OWE ME!! ) so just an avi, on some file space would be nice. it's usually only about 400mb Anyone? topper? i see esssay boy couldn't resist returning - HELP ME
I'll upload it for you after work if nobody knows if its somewhere already If i remember rightly it was episode 17 where things started to get interesting
dont' forget chris dont' forget chris dont' forget chris dont' forget chris dont' forget chris dont' forget chris dont' forget chris dont' forget chris dont' forget chris dont' forget chris dont' forget chris dont' forget chris dont' forget chris dont' forget chris dont' forget chris dont' forget chris dont' forget chris dont' forget chris
I didnt forget although this is probably gonna sound like some shite excuse, i started to upload it yesterday, and my computer crashed and when i got it running again it couldnt find my internet connection. Got it working this morning and started uploading it again before i came to work but ive not had an email or anything with a link I'll get back onto it tonight
quit yer whining - i believe ya - now get it uploaded! my boss has just gone on holiday for a week - and i've got several hours of Lost to catch up with!
yup - there's 3 minutes left of episode 20! i've watched them all day! AAAAIIIIIIIEEEEEEE it's getting good!