I rule! 34/35 for Car Theory Test and 65 points out of possible 75 points for Hazard test. FLUKED! :laugh: Any1 know any CHEAP(ish) places that do 1 week long intensive course - where u get ur practical test at end of the same week??? Need to do it quick or i wont bother again
peter dun his wiv compass. was £280 for 20hrs in the week ..................... i fink we rang loads outa the yellow pages n they wer the cheapest
Bastard, I failed mine this morning Got 58/75 for the hazard perception and 29/35 for the questions so failed by ONE FVCKING MARK!! Not happy :evil:
apparently there's week long driving courses in blackpool with the test at the end. if u can stand blackpool for a week. :sick:
Cheers mate, I never struggled with Hazard Perception at all, dont even think I failed one in practice. Failed my theory test once by getting 29 which I was gutted about, looking forward to my practical now.
what's this hazard perception thing in my day the theory test had just come out. Got through that no probs. Failed 1st time on practical after mounting the roundabout after the 1st turning from the test centre
Compass r the cheapest yeah but a bunch of pissheads when i used them a couple of year ago The instructor used to sit in car hungover (if he turned up!!!!!!) so cudnt really be arsed. It got to nearly xmas time and he sed we wud have to stop it there and resume after xmas...thats last I heard of him! :evil: :evil: Didnt return any of my calls...so i gave up! I paid for the 20hr intensive course...got about 15hours and thats it.......so they still owe me 5hrs and a practical test!
I thought I had flunked it like....cos was a few 50/50 questions on the theory and i wasnt sure..........click n hope!