Ice Fm Radio Anyone heard about this? It's Skev (from North Bar) who used to run it - and he's got a month's licence to do it again - word was that he was going to start it a few months I hear it'll be the end of this month. Anyone else given in a demo? For those that don't know, it's a 24 hr/day underground DJ radio station - DJs have full musical control Go see Skev for details So - anyone know what's going on? I keep hearing conflicting stories....I gave a demo to Skev months ago - haven't heard anything - so the question is: do I go hassle him about it, or wait and see? For all you hard dance fans, Kerry James told me that she has been given a show on there
I would imagine Jon Mack would be in the know, if not I would imagine he would be able to find out for you.
I think everything has been sorted for the relaunch m8, I will ask skev when I'm @ work tonight and get back to you.
cheers Jon! PMd ya back LOL - does this mean someone's been listening to my CD???? Or even playing it in the Bar??? sweet