Is it me or does this tip sound dodgy???? This is a tip from an ex-work colleague down south. > > There's a horse owned by some pub locals near Derby called Inthaar. > > It always ran all right while it was fed a diet of chopped hay. But for a while now it's been on UNchopped hay and has been running pish. > > The vet was called and seemingly it's lower jaw doesn't jut out enough meaning that it can't properly munch up its feed. > > As a result, the unchopped hay has been passing through its system without being digested. > > So Inthaar's now back on the chopped stuff and is supposedly breathing fire.....and goes in the 4.10 at Southwell this afternoon. > > Our paper quotes it at 20-1 in a field of 9. I'm going to have a few quid each way and you're welcome to join me.