Is... Darude8000 British? Does anyone know him? Has anyone met him ? If no one knows i'm guessing he lives in another time zone judging by his late night posting A Yank is my guess
What do you expect me to say when you ask where he's from? He's from over here mate, he's just a bit nocturnal thats all.
I met him in a whore house in Jesmond, he picked the disabled girl with one arm oc she only had £20 on him
his knowledge of bizzare/specialist future trance releases is unmatchable. however - after numerous times we've offered to pay the sunglass-wearing hermit into Promise - he still wouldn't accept.
Get some new pictures mate, you have the imagination of a small child and the wit of a german post office worker
She was nto that poor, what she could do with her left and only hand was better than conway's mum does with her whole body
I dont think he's an alias like im sure someone off here knows who he is tho but cant remember who it is :think:
And you have all of the humour of a piece of dried dogshit. I'm not that funny but I grew out of the 'your momma' wisecracks when I was about twelve... Your constant put-downs aimed at sleepy and pike aren't funny, or even remotely insulting... all they do is make people cringe. Leave the wisecracks and the put-downs to the people who are good at it.
On the bright side tho im not an overweight shortarse liek yourself, and am i right in thinking single?? Cos i would be shocked if any girl would go near you mate, just an observation
Wrong again, your observation skills are as shit as your sense of humour :fart: And I'd rather be overweight than a band-wagon jumping lanky streak of piss who feels the need to brag about his mediocre real-life achievements on a clubbing messageboard