It might seem like a silly question, but....... .......what languages can the peeps on the board speak? was just thinking bout this time when i was in spain n i was talking to a spanish bloke, he could speak bits of english n i could speak bits of spannish, and after bout 20 mins we found that we had said evewrything we knew how to (including how much is that cheese cake!) finding ourselves stuck for convo, i asked him if he could speak french, and hey presto, an hour later we were still talking, in french, and i didnt even have to ask him if i could have a room for 1 night for 3 people with a shower and a toilet! (that was one of the subjects we had to spend 2 weeks on at school!?!?!) just a thought! so what languages can u speak? rozz-jayne is going to show us all up here, i just know it, clever shite! j'ai vive pour la musique!
I's studyin Spanish and am goin there for a year nxt year......i can spk Greek fluently......doin Beginners Italian and have doone Alevel French....... How bout that..... ELGRIEGO
LOL!!! i think theres lots of us prettyy good at that, includin me! i got B at GCSE french and thats bout it, forgotten most of it now neway, could prob survive in france tho with phrases like "i have a brother and 2 sisiters" or " i like 2 play football". they taught ya so much shite in skool didint they.
i was actually thinking about this the other day too i was on the plane flying from paris to miami, most of the passengers were french or italian and the crew all french, yet the french spoke english to each other...i heard alot of french and italian accents but very little of the language! these 2 guys infront of me started chatting, one said "are you french"? the other said no im danish...and they chatted away in perfect english and i felt a bit thick really i speak a tiny bit of french, quite a bit of german but no where near fluent, and i understand russian but cant get my tongue or hand round it
im afraid all i speak is: * Mackem * Utter Toss! * A few french words * And more utter toss i did get a B in french many moons ago at school...but i blagged my way thru and forgot it all the day after leaving
i speak furbish the language of the furby : oooooooooh me nooo likee bwatta too nah kah etc etc etc phil repeats to fade
if u all come over to kerry land for a week or two, ill give u advanced lessons on how to speak kerry, its simple really, just like me! not much too it, just gotta be able to say "ooooooh glitter" now repeat after me.......... honestly this place does exist, ask fiZZ n rozza, they r going for their hunnymoon over there!