Its True!!!!!!! cooooooooooo-eeeeee im back!!!!! hows evryone? whats been happenin? who is this viper person, what trouble has he caused? who is flakey?? dish it dish it!!!! loopyslonggone xxxx
ok, heres the story, viper wasnt very nice, pissed a few ppl off, then smart E blamed me, i got angry, then mark revealed it was smart E, cyberdog made a lame attempt at being a gangster, which he didnt pull off coz mark grassed him up, northerners are slappers, southerners are fairys, no1's flaked (except doctor mick n Dr HH coz they didnt make it to promise last week) rozza still has ahold of the plot and apparently akira has seen me glitterless..................i think thats about all tho!
rozza darling, uve been in my bedroom, the shade of pink me is now, tis brighter than my bedroom walls!
Uh Oh! U grassed me up for now going last week Kezz Awwwwwwwwwwwwww Still will be there tomorrow!!! Egypt Cottage be4 as well.... Will have to make up for not being there last week eh?! Have a MAD one!!! rude am I?!?!?! lol..WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELCOMEEEEEEEE BACK LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSY Nice to see the pics back n'all I wont post any of those nasty Umpa Lumpas....pwomise