Just watchin news for 1st time in ages.... And am actually shocked Never realised this disaster was that bad Its unreal. Bad crack indeed
I kno! Poor people.... There never ever seems to be anything good/nice to report in the news these days xx
Re: Just watchin news for 1st time in ages.... seen a lot of footage of this now, and photos. IF u want to see how bad it actually was (and only if mind) click here
Re: Re: Re: Just watchin news for 1st time in ages.... u dont see it at first do u? think its just trees etc.
just heard on the news that the quake itself moved the earth on its axis by 1 inch (which is fuckin huge on the scale of things), it shifted some of the islands up to 120ft south (!!!!!) and you also might have to reset ur watches coz it caused the earth to spin faster for a short while!!! it was even felt over here apparently!!! HOLY SHIT!
omg. i watch the news most days so i was aware of what had happend but watching today, watching the little tiny blankets being carried away and hearing that the majority of the dead were kids cos they werent able to out run the water...and then seeing 2 parents carrying their two children who they had taken from a pile of bodies off for burial...i just broke down. and the worst thing is i still think, thank god it wasnt me.
One of mine n katies really good friends was there on holiday...we are all still waiting to hear from him