Kidulthood anyone else seen this, i thought it was alright. doesnt exactly paint black youths in a good light and i recon it was far fetched tbh
It\'s not bad but does seem a bit far fetched and the general idea of the story has been done much better in other films
Re: Re: Kidulthood not really, i though bedknobs and broom sticks was an accurate portrayal of london life during ww2.
thought it was absolutley bollocks. especialy as there was a copper from sunhill police station in it and waynes estranged son out of auf wedersein pet! I'm suprised it did'nt have an extra out of eastenders milling about in it! I'd give it a 2/10 init
It does- the guy who pays to shag the young white girl Just watched this again. Think it's fairly good
I havent seen this film but i would like to place a bet its going to be that ronnie bloke from eastenders? The one who was in that asian family which was such a terrible stereotype of an asian family the BBC pulled them from the show. He seems to be the token minority in a lot of films.