Laptop Controllers After a bit of advice. a friend of mine wants to get into DJ a bit, not too heavy, just putting together a few mixes and learning the ropes - i've told him he's best to get a controller. Budget is upto £200 maybe but anything is considered from £100 upwards. Software wise i recommended Traktor but realise for a noob it's probably a bit daunting. So guys - hardware/software - give us a few recommendations to choose from. Fizz - Don't worry mate, i've told him about your shop and about the stuff on display, i just want a few pointers 1st. We only work at the uni, we might have a venture out 1 lunchtime, u can give us a demo
seen the Vestax new one - anyone else ? hardware less than 200, software not an issue but freebie stuff with it to start with might be nice
Are the Hercules ones any good? The pro one doesn't look too bad, i'm just wondering about software compatability/flexibility.