Lee Foster & the invisble tracklist

Discussion in 'Music' started by Yosef Ha'Kohain, Sep 30, 2003.

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  1. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Lee Foster & the invisble tracklist

    Do people agree or disagree with his hording of tracklists.

    I'm personally against this, I've never seen music as a business and I think it should be shared and enjoyed by everyone... I think the invisble scratch pickles are an amazing example of why dj'ing techniques and tracklists should be shared.

    They have took turntablism to a whole new level, in the past turntablist kept their moves top secret as the less people knew how to do the trick - the more amazed crowds were and more gigs they got when they performed these tricks... the ISP's openly told every what they were doing and how to do this and because of this other turntablists took these moves and added to them - rapidly speeding up the evolution of turntablism.

    I fully understand Lee's reasoning for doing what he does and I know what i say wont have the slightest impact on what he does... but I have always thought music should be enjoyed by every1 and shouldn't be seen as a business.

    Just wondering what other peoples thoughts are.
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Broony

    Broony Registered User

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Re: Lee Foster & the invisble tracklist

    i can understand why he does do it!

    i wudant do it my self but thats me

    if ppl just read his site u wud find out the names ;) :D
  4. Mr. Revel

    Mr. Revel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    I can see why he does it. If anyone wanted to really know what the tunes arem theycould find out with a little work anyway im sure....
  5. Allie

    Allie Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Leeds & Newcastle
    In a way, I can understand it, yet I still don;t agree with it.

    I respect the fact that Lee likes keeping tracks people know him for to himself, so they remain a sort of 'novelty' to him, but tunes weren't made for just one person.

    In a way it's a bit egotistical, which is a big factor in why the whole of dance music is on its arse now.

    A big part of the whole "I play better places than you so I get my tunes first" thing is charting. You don't chart, you get shit.
    I speak regularly to DJs I look up to and would class as favourites of mine, and they're always the most helpful with tunes! They'll tell ya the artist, label, remixer, cat no, release date and sometimes even drop you copies.

    I understand the style Lee pushes is a bit more mainstream and wider spread than mine, but it's still something I don't udnerstand.
  6. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    thats not my point, shazam, little lee, etc. are all good reference points ;) but its the ethos behind it.

    Do u think the 18 year old unsigned kid will appriciate him hording the tune he's made for every1 and his own success... theres nothing in hiding tracklists I admre... I think its a very destructive and self centered habbit.

    And yes I know in any business you have to look out for number 1 - but plenty of dj's make a very succesfull living without hiding their tunage.
  7. spunkton

    spunkton Registered User

    Feb 1, 2002
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    but by putting tracklistings on a cd cover can get you into trouble with labels, as i found out. they thought i was selling my cd and demanded royalties. all it needed were the simple words:
    "for promotional use only, not for sale"!
    i never have a tracklisting now but i will always tell someone what the track is if they want to know.

    having "special" tracks up your sleve is always beneficial in making a set stand out. telling people what the track is, for me is part of the job as people can then go and search for it. part of the fun is finding a record that no-one else has got and creating a buzz about it.
  8. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    "for promotional use only, not for sale"! <-- not a lot of effort required :D

    I think this boils down to whether u see djing as a business or not.
  9. Allie

    Allie Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Leeds &amp; Newcastle
    Not a question of putting a tracklist actually on the CD, that usually makes it look cluttered anyway.

    I don't put tracklists on any of my mixes, but I gladly issue em on demand.

    Still, each to their own I spose
  10. Lee Foster

    Lee Foster Dark Magician of Chaos

    Apr 21, 2002
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    The Shadow Realm
    So sue me...

    Ok, let’s go through this post section by section.

    If you understand, why have you even bothered to write this post?

    My music has no novelty value; I never claim it is solely for me. You merely have to look, or are you inept or just plain lazy?

    I think you are forgetting current market trends; corporate clubbing has had quite a backlash since the Millennium ‘rip off’ night of 2000. Lets not forget the the loss of revenue through copies of music files over the Internet; exuberant fees charged by DJ’s which has the effect of clubs having to charge higher door fees. Oh, and lets not forget the fact that promoters will only book ‘big names’, most of the time, leading to an ever decreasing pool of DJ’s that will fill a club; the fickle nature of the clubber never ceases to amaze me. Perhaps these factors can be attributed to the decline in dance music, and not singularly, as has been indicated in this post, to my policy of not releasing track listings.

    Good for you if your ‘favorites’ help you; I always pass on the vinyl or CD’s I do not use to other DJ’s who will use them. As for charting, I never chart, I supply feedback and critique to the relevant labels, producers and DJ’s.

    Ah, my favorite part of the post. If my style is so ‘mainstream’, as you understand it, then I’m sure you would have little difficulty in locating it, as opposed to your style which is obviously ‘less mainstream’ by the context of your post.

    But my style isn’t mainstream, is it? So you can’t find it, and that is basically the crux of the matter.

    The simple fact of the matter is this; I spend a lot of time scouring the world for good records which fit my style. Notice I use the term ‘my style’, which indicates it is unique and specific to me. This would not be the case if every Donny double decks had my track listings. I play them for your enjoyment though, remember that.

    If you find this annoying it is not my concern.


  11. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Re: So sue me...

    Damn it lee, I picked this aruement - i'm sick of fighting with the retards... so I single you out and what do u, go and quote allie :D

    I agree with everything you've said... but do u think your helping the industry move forward or are you protecting your arse?

    Do you honestly believe you'd get less gigs if you gave out track information?

    Can you see our point when we consider this a self centered and destructive act?
  12. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Re: So sue me...

    Damn it lee, I picked this aruement - i'm sick of fighting with the retards... so I single you out and what do u, go and quote allie :D

    I agree with everything you've said... but do u think your helping the industry move forward or are you protecting your arse?

    Do you honestly believe you'd get less gigs if you gave out track information?

    Can you see our point when we consider this a self centered and destructive act?
  13. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Re: So sue me...

    Damn it lee, I picked this aruement - i'm sick of fighting with the retards... so I single you out and what do u, go and quote allie :D

    I agree with everything you've said... but do u think your helping the industry move forward or are you protecting your arse?

    Do you honestly believe you'd get less gigs if you gave out track information?

    Can you see our point when we consider this a self centered and destructive act?
  14. Lee Foster

    Lee Foster Dark Magician of Chaos

    Apr 21, 2002
    Likes Received:
    The Shadow Realm
    Re: Re: So sue me...


    One man can make a difference; I have always believed in this concept. In my mind, I know I am promoting the scene with new and cutting edge music. I make people seek out my sound, as is evident by these posts.

    Is this destructive Joe? You know how hard I work as DJ; I love the scene with a passion that few people can comprehend. If this is self centered then hurl my guilty body into the deepest dungeon!

    But my track listings will remain shrouded in mystery.

    As for gigs, with some promoters it would not matter if I arrived in an airship, abseiled into the DJ box and showered the crowd with a track listing; they would still rather book a big name.

    I see the other side of the coin, but do you know what Joe, I really don’t waste any brain cells on it.

    With respect Joe,

  15. Mr. Revel

    Mr. Revel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    Re: Re: So sue me...

    :p i dont think Lee not giving out a TL will have a massive impact on the Music Industry. If you mean that people wont know what the tunes are, so therefore wont buy them, alot of tunes he plays you probably cant get anyway, and like i, and he said, if u really wanted to know what they were, you could probably find out with some work and investigation.....just stick a sample on the TA board....the geeks will have fun finding it! :p
  16. Mr. Revel

    Mr. Revel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    Re: Re: So sue me...

    :p i dont think Lee not giving out a TL will have a massive impact on the Music Industry. If you mean that people wont know what the tunes are, so therefore wont buy them, alot of tunes he plays you probably cant get anyway, and like i, and he said, if u really wanted to know what they were, you could probably find out with some work and investigation.....just stick a sample on the TA board....the geeks will have fun finding it! :p
  17. Nass

    Nass sound. Staff

    Oct 10, 2002
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    Limassol, Cyprus / Newcastle UK
    It pisses me off Lee keeping his tracks hush hush... but it makes Lee Lee (knobber;):p).

    I do think it's a wise move. Means you can look forward to hearing a set full of new tunes rather than the same old same old you predict DJs will play, especially us lot on here and anyone else who has the net.

    Keep suprising us Lee.
  18. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Re: Re: Re: So sue me...

    ok this works very well for you... I couldn't agree more... its great gimmick, its creates more hype about you than would of been there... it isn't just protecting your arse, its a great marketing gimmick :d

    If every dj were to the same, it would leave the industry in a very stagnent state... music is something that should be shared by every1 - not the sleect few wjho are lkucky enough to hear mr foster ;)

    When looking @ this on a one on one case it seems like harnless fun, but if every dj practised what you preached the industry would collapse in on itself.

  19. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Re: Re: Re: So sue me...

    this aint about lee, its about the bigger picture :D
  20. Allie

    Allie Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Leeds &amp; Newcastle

    Get over yourself, you're getting defensive for no reason.

    You play Trance. It's not as if that style is specific to you at all.

    The whole music industry is not going to die because you tell people what a track is.

    Fucking hell, I receive any amounts of upfront and unsigned shit, and the first thing I do is tell mates about it, and let em listen to it. A hell of a lot of the time I've been asked to actually pass copies on to those who want them!

    Why bother making the post? Because it's something that pisses me off. There's no need for big egos in dance music.

    Tune selection, I agree, is important to a DJ. But hiding the identities of tunes suggests you feel no-one will have reason to book you if other people have the same tunes as you.

    They're not made for you, get over it.
  21. Broony

    Broony Registered User

    Mar 5, 2002
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    like "duckarse" allie? ;)

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