Less known DJs, but quality non the less Whilst on the search for more music(anything to put off studying!!) heres a few DJs which I think u should all check out!! Yoji Biomehanika-Hard Trance Yoji Biomehanika live at Dance Valley 2001 DJ Yoshi-Hard Trance DJ Yoshi live at Nova 969, Sydney DJ Shane-Hard Trance DJ Shane live at Home Bass Chris C-Hard House Chric C live in Zurich DJ Chester-Hard House DJ Chester live on Nova 969, Sydney DJ Rusty-Prog House DJ Rusty live at Jeromes DJ Dean-Hard Trance (Trance Tunnel Force) Tunnel Trance Force vol. 20 cd1 Alexis-Trance Alexis live at Club Residence DJ Astrid-Trance Astrid live at Trance Energy DJ Snowman-Hard Trance DJ Snowman live at Sunshine Live DJ Fuzion-Hard Trance DJ Fuzion live-Tale of Two Sounds Tom Harding-Hard House Tom Harding live @ Impulz Karim-Hard House (Frantic) Karim live at Frantic Album Launch I know some of them are wicked producers, but not so well known for DJing, anyone got anymore of the not so big DJs All the links are MP3s on Audiogalaxy
DJ Astrid is like the next Tiesto in Holland. The Trance Energy set is an oldy but goody though. Look for some of her newer stuff
Yoji Biohemanika and Karim are already big on the hard house/trance circuit aint they? And deservadly so - 2 of me fav dj's - cheers for the link mister
Germany kicks arse Most of you think PVD is the dogs bollocks, however, in Germany, he is nothing compared to Tom Wax, one of the residents of Dorian Gray's, in Frankfurt. Now he is a fucking good DJ, and thats swearing. Lee
Bollox. Tom Wax is like a german Scott Bond. And the Dorian Gray shut......... about a year and half ago.
Bollox 2 How entertaining! You must have thought for hours to come up with that statement. Obviously you speak with great knowledge and insight into the world of DJ'ing, ooooh how mysterious and clever you must be. Sasha played at the Twilio, it shut. Does this reflect on his DJ ability? No. Your analogy was flawed. As for one of Germanys most prolific trance/techno producers and hardest working DJ's being like Scott Bond, I can only wonder at the marvel of your impared brain. I will try to prepare for your razor like reply, [yawn] Lee