Loose Change 2nd Edition For any 9-11 conspiracy theorists this is one of the best documentary style films i have ever witnessed. Mr Bush you should be ashamed. America, Land of the free and home of the home based terrorist by all accounts.......
it's good fun to watch - but it's all bollocks. google for 9/11 loose change myths - they've just about all been disproved however, a few questions are interesting - but it doesn't amount to conclusive proof!
It's rubbish! It's a rubbish "documentary" but brilliant for those who believe all alternative theories without checking anything out.
So please tell me how much you have both investigated the whole 9-11 thing. You seem to defo know alot. So what did you "check out" then ???
Most of the supposed evidence is unfounded, exaggerated or complete lies. It's the Area 51 of the 21st century. Feel free to believe whatever oddball conspiracy weirdos you like though. http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=911_morons
read what i said you fool - it's all unfounded bollocks. go google for where loads of people have checked his theories PROVED them wrong misquotes, false evidence and and down right inccorect scientific basis. you know how the person is who made it? some 21yr old lad made it in his bedroom
"What are the odds that a simple geometric folding of a $20 bill with elements of design that were conceived in 1928 by a committee of treasurers, a full 42 years before the World Trade Center even existed, could accidentally contain a representation of both terror attacks? Pretty good, apparently" Read the rest of his website, he's well funny.
Exactly. It just shows how suggestive and easily mislead some people are. They will believe whatever "evidence" they have thrown at them and take it at complete face value.
Not a lot, just the facts. Like WTC 7 for example which Loose change claims to have little damage, but if you look at photos from the other side to which the video shows you'll see the damage to the corner of the building and the massive impact it would have on load bearing of the building. http://judi.kw.nl/uploads/fok/wtc7-sw-corner1.jpg[img] Or the fact it mentions that the Twin Towers couldn't have collapsed because a plane once crashed into the Empire State building. What it fails to mention, conveniently, is that the plane that crashed into Empire State Building was 1/8 of the mass of Boeing that crashed into the Twin Towers, carrying less than 1/10 of the fuel, physically less than 1/3 of the size and travelling at 150 mph compared to 500mph, it's not hard to see the difference in magnitude of the impacts and the fires that could be caused.
So it must be fact then if the american goverment proved them wrong. I look at it with a totally open mind. It just looks very very dodgy in my mind. What about the black box recorders found/not found at ground zero. The only 2 planes ever to be vaporised. I have never said i belived everything in the film it just asks alot of questions that have never been answered
heres a good article about the collapse: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/1540044.stm the bit about the fire burning at 800c may also explain why the black boxes didnt survive. Im all for conspiracy theories too, and they are interesting, but you have to take them all with a pinch of salt dont you.