you lot are weird, that was one of the most unemportant sidetracked episodes ive seen. lost = pure money spinner has the potential for best series ever but ruins itself with pointless sidetracking just to stretch it out
The flashbacks are a nice idea - but for me they are wearing a bit thin .... First 2 series they worked quite well for character development and all that. Now they feel like 'fillers'. I mean - what does a side story about Locke living on some Pot growing farm do for the main story? It would have had to have been well before that crap with him and his dad and losing his ability to walk, and the job he left to go travelling and a ton of other things etc etc etc etc and just to prove WHAT? Im glad the whole thing about the polar bears has been explained a bit - but they are gonna have so much explaining to do ..... ditch the flashbacks please!
In what way was the polar bear explained? It didn't make much sense at all why it was a polar bear that took Mr Eko.. The hatch too.. At the end of season 2 i was like 'whoah I can't wait to find out what happened and what it looks like' but it was dulled down completely. Just a small short clip with 'It just imploded'. Very disappointing. Locke and the gang too.. I was expecting either a big build up of them being dead, or a mysterious finding like when Claire was found wandering the woods in a daze. Was i just not in a very excited mood last night or was this episode full of no suprises at all..
Well the polar bears were kept in those cages that sawyer and kate are in now .... and were 'obviously' (i assume) shipped there when all the other people from the dharma project were put on that island. .... makes more sense than the first few episodes of series 1 when someone kills a polar bear in the middle of a tropical island with no explanation
They're totally trying to drag it out over more series to make money. It's a shame! American series are long enough anyway, I mean 24/25 episodes compared to our 6 lol.
Haha yeah that was a tad bit strange. I must admit i was tired when i watched Lost at 1am this morning so I missed the link between the polar bear and the cages.. makes sense i suppose. Fish biscuits n all.. n Charlie saying they are the einsteins of the bear world And Sawyer taking longer to get his treat than the bears.. lol *Edit - hang on a minute, what about the previous correlation between Walt and his polar bear comic scenario where the bear appeared soon after? That in relation to the little birdy that flew into the window made it seem like the polar bear was his doing, not a parcel from an original Dharma setup.
.... exactly eh - they keep making so much stuff up as they go along (it seems), that they have a massive task on their hand just clearing all that rubbish up. Completely forgot about 'magic' walt .... Jeez.
One of the guys from the others said to sawyer that 'the bears' managed to figure out how to trigger the fish biscuit thing in only a few hours ..... So at one point they had bears in those cages - from where? .... Im guessing - but assuming that the only bears that could possibly be on the island are ones they brought in themselves (are bears found on little tropical islands normally?) .... hence, the polar bears are ones they brought in. Cant think of anything credible otherwise?
I still think the Walt/comic scenes have relevance though. Maybe he let them out of the cages with his crazy mind Actually.. lol What was the crack with that woman hiding in the bushes saying that Sawyer and Kate weren't supposed to be in the cages. I wish i could hold myself back from watching or reading anything to do with Lost until the season was complete :evil:
just found this link about some guy who also wants to know about the polar bears.. made me laugh
getting very tedious now, channel 4 LOST so many viewers, they didnt bother buying series 3 so sky have got it , getting me popcorn for THIS though