Lsd i suppose everyone will have seen this but if not its an interesting and factual non hysterical look at LSD. but its about 45mins
I laughed out loud for about 8 hours :spangled: and yeah i'll never forget it either. I remember standing on the stairs being totally unable to decide wether to go up ( to where the bog was) or down (where the kitchen was) for some food, so I just stood there for about half an hour laughing till someone rescued me. But it also gave me a real insight into the inner workings of my head which made me happier to be me than I was before.
I agree totally, I've never been the same since I first took it, but I really enjoyed the experience and have took every opportunity since, to take it (or mushrooms0 but acid is one of my best memorys, and one that i will never forget. just wish it was still available one thing i never done was micro dots