Madders Speaks

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by spunkton, Sep 28, 2003.

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  1. spunkton

    spunkton Registered User

    Feb 1, 2002
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    Madders Speaks

    Taken from 4 Clubbers, Madders speaks:

    United Members of Sundissential, the past, the present and the future!

    Uncle Madders here! Over the last 3 months there has been much speculation of my whereabouts. For the record the Sundissential office has stated officially that I, Madders, have walked out and sold my shares.

    This is not the case! Let me for the record state that I have never been an angel. I have seen it, sniffed it and smoked it and for good or for bad, much of it bad, I have always lived and I will probably die by the sword. But never once did my lifestyle interfere with my running of Sundissential. I have given my life to my club, its members, its resident DJs. I am proud and honoured to have created the world's most outrageous club.

    Does my lifestyle make me a bad person? After all, clubland since its inception in 1988, has been driven and motivated by drug taking, not just ecstasy, but every given substance known to mankind. This is a fact!

    The factors that have not been relevant to clubland are the following:- theft, fraud, cheating and underhanded dealing. The afore mentioned are commonplace in most businesses Worldwide. None are more present than in the Sundissential office I am ashamed to say.

    Sundissential since its opening gig at the Pulse club in central Birmingham, started off as a hobby for both myself and Mr Danny Kirk. I had known Mr Kirk since 1992. In the space of a very short time Danny became not only my best friend, but my soul brother. My family, i.e my Mother, my Father and my sister treated him as if he had the same blood. Danny moved to Birmingham in 1995. He knew no one, only me. If it was not for me, Mr Kirk would have been a nobody. I have always believed that what has taken place in the past will always reflect in the future. Danny knew what he was getting involved in with me. Regardless of any social behaviour portrayed by the both of us, I have treated him with nothing more than the love and caring of a person who I considered to be a brother.

    What he has done to me, will now be judged by the highest courts in the land and possibly the Devil himself.

    I am not in a drug clinic, I am not in a crack house, I am at home with my girlfriend and my family.

    Members of Sundissential, this year I was sacked from the company I own and founded. This was based upon ficticious and trumped up lies. It is impossible to "sack" a man from a business he owns. I found out in March this year, that a great deceit had taken place 3 years ago on October 12 2000. I found out that Mr Kirk behind my back had registered the company to himself as the 100% owner and sole director. Sundissential had always been a 50/50 partnership. There is no way that I ever worked for Mr Kirk!

    Members, I will now have to be careful of what I say due to guidance from my team of Lawyers. But now let me state a few remarks about the people for who I have spent the last 7 years treating as my own kith and kin:

    Danny Kirk: You pride yourself on your stubbornness. You think you are a business man, you are nothing more than a liar, a fraud and a cheat. You think you are clever. You buy people off, you make false promises you cannot keep, you buy friendship, you think you are King Dick.

    The 2 things that you have forgotten are: 1) you forget how determined a person I am, especially when principle is at stake. 2) The thing that is most important to Sundissential are its loyal members and non-members who attend the club week in week out. You CANNOT buy them off.

    You blackmailed me into appointing new accountants 2 years ago. All you have done is use these accountants to stitch me up like a kipper - how sad are you? Did my father who turned us round from huge losses into amazing profits inside 2 years, did he do the same to you?

    Understand this, my team of Lawyers have advised me that I have rights which I will exercise. I will fight for what is mine. In the immortal words of Dr Martin Luther King:

    "Why does a free man of the free world have to fight for what rightfully belongs to him?"

    When it comes to your own habits, you are nothing more than a hypocrite. I am dealing with my problems, are you dealing with yours?

    Are you innocent Kirk? Or as it states in the Bible, "Let him without sin, cast the first stone".

    You are trying to portray the innocent man, bollocks! Innocent my arse! When it comes to your own abuse, isn't it the case of the pot calling the kettle black?

    Understand this Mr Kirk, I will pursue you to the gates of hell to get back what you have stolen from me.

    Just for the record everybody, I will now tell you of what pathetic pieces of low-life rubbish that Danny Kirk and Miss Louise Crampin actually are. In my letter of dismissal dated 18 June 2003, Mr Kirk and Miss Crampin have accused my parents of giving me money to buy drugs. My father is 69 years of age and my mother is 67 years of age. They are respected members of Birmingham society. Is this the best you can do? My parents' own Lawyers are pursuing these sickening allegations. I hope the pair of you have appointed good solicitors because you will need them!

    Finally Danny, my Lawyers have also uncovered your underhanded dealings reference "Funkissential". I have the paperwork to prove your filthly con. If Glynn Tolley and Rob Tissera are reading this statement, to prove I am right go to at the trademark register under "Funkissential". I believe that this has already been done by one DJ who was surprised to find out he owned nothing. Yet again you have registered Funkissential to yourself.

    Louise Crampin aka the Poisoned Dwarf, Where is your conscience? What have I ever done to you? When your last boyfriend beat you black and blue, who came to your aid? When you asked for references for a mortgage, who gave them to you? When you asked for a loan for a car, who gave it to you? Is this the best you can do? How dare you sign my letter of dismissal containing allegations against my parents who have loved you like their own daughter. Furthermore, accuse me of stealing 2 cheque books from my company and cashing them. Search your soul lady, there is no way I would ever steal from Sundissential. I have heard about what you have done to SJ. Hang your head in shame. I am particularly looking forward to seeing you in court.

    Miss Helen Atherton aka Judas At least when Judas accepted 30 pieces of silver from Jesus Christ himself, Judas had the decency to kiss his cheek. Not in your case. Your loyalties are not to Sundissential. You are obsessed with Danny Kirk and you will resort to anything to creep round him like a fly licks a piece of shit. The things I have done for you. Is this how you repay me? I have treated you like a sister and the best you can do is make 2 telephone calls to Alphamagic Records Limited who are our partners in Sundissential Records Limited. This is the worst mistake you have made in your life. Those conversations were recorded. On these tapes you clearly accuse me of theft of a substantial amount of merchandise money. You have also accused me of the theft of many items of merchandise and records of accounts. The taped conversations are now in the hands of my Lawyers. I would never stoop to such low life tactics. I hope for your sake lady you have a good Lawyer. You will need one. I am taking out a separate action against you. There is NAT A LIE here. Ask Danny who he took to LA and Miami on 4 January 2002. There is NAT like telling the truth.

    Members, clubbers, this is the saddest day of my life. I never thought that there would ever be such a day. Sundissential is now officially on its arse. The Saturday nights at the Sanctuary nightclub in Birmingham have attendances well below 400 people. Sundissential North fares no better. They have sold 8 tickets for the next event in Leeds on Sunday 5th October - Fuck me! That leaves 2692 tickets left on sale. I would love to be there, however, I will not be humiliated by being turned away from my own club.

    There was a time recently that I prided myself on the fact that Sundissential was a club run by its members, for its members and was the pride of its members. A united nation of like minded people, a true people's champion and was the envy of every promotor in the world. Today Sundissential has become a club run for members by a bunch of egoistic, selfish, trumped up, up their own arse "wanabees". To prove this look at the current club war in Leeds on a Wednesday night, where Sundissential's night called Base is up against Goodgreef's night called Sessions. To produce flyers and stickers publically ridiculing your opposition are low-life tactics. Mr Kirk, how dare you insult Ben, Barry and Taz. No wonder you were hiding in your hotel room. Ben Thompson will be Sundissential's down fall. Fuck me, if Gatecrasher was so fucking good, how come it ended up going monthly? Food for thought Mr Kirk.
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. spunkton

    spunkton Registered User

    Feb 1, 2002
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    Under its present management, Sundissential is finished. There are new kids on the block now. Congratulations certainly go to Andy/Amo at Tidy. To put 4500 people into an event in the middle of September is absolutely outstanding. The next weekender I believe has already sold out. Incredible! Look at Ben and Barry from Goodgreef - Fuck me! Mixmag's club of the year inside 2 years is a major achievement. Frantic are now ruling the south and are coming north. Well done Will! Finally, congratuations to Neil Moffatt from Godskitchen, whose Polysexual brand has come on leaps and bounds in the last 12 months. What an insult it must be to you Kirk to see all Sundissential's DJ's jumping ship to Godskitchen. Perhaps they know something that you don't?

    Well that's it for now, I will keep all of you informed of how the litigation is going. I miss you all and I hope that all of you remain well and enjoy your clubbing wherever you go. But understand this, I have not gone anywhere. I am lurking in the shadows and waiting in the wings. In the immortal words of Hollywood's legendary actor Arnold Schwarzeneggar; "I'LL BE BACK!!!!!". If you want to contact me my at

    God bless all of you. Sundissential Rest In Peace.

    Uncle Madders, founder and co-owner of Sundissential

    p.s Look out for my forthcoming features coming soon "Madders tells all" in Mixmag and M8 Magazines.
  4. Glitter Angel

    Glitter Angel Registered User

    Feb 10, 2002
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    Pink Heaven
    Fucking hell :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
  5. crasherkid

    crasherkid Registered User

    Dec 21, 2001
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    shit. :(

    outcome should be very interesting!
  6. Mr. Revel

    Mr. Revel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    fukkin hell....sounds serious.

    Ben Thompson is a very good events manager tho.
  7. Þ€tè®*

    Þ€tè®* Registered User

    Jun 8, 2003
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    :eek: :eek: i second that
  8. Play

    Play Registered User

    Dec 25, 2002
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    Im fu**ed

    Im knackerd and cant be botherd to read it...... can anyone put it in a nutshell??????

  9. crasherkid

    crasherkid Registered User

    Dec 21, 2001
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    Re: Im fu**ed

    drugs fukk ur life up.
  10. Glitter Angel

    Glitter Angel Registered User

    Feb 10, 2002
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    Pink Heaven
    basically madders partner, danny kirk, has signed the whole club in his name, when it was meant to be a partnership, which means legally he owns the club, and then he sacked madders, from his own club!!!!!

    i think thats about it anyway, theres more, but thats it in a nutshell!
  11. Jon Mack

    Jon Mack Registered User

    Jul 1, 2002
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    comfortably numb !
  12. GeordieLee

    GeordieLee Registered User

    May 27, 2002
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    And thats AFTER he consulted his lawyers! :eek:
  13. Sleepy

    Sleepy Registered User

    Mar 15, 2002
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    If this is the case then that is DISGUSTING!!!

    To be shit on like that by someone u have done so much for?!?!?!

    :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

    Some ppl just dont have a conscience (sp?!)!!!!
  14. Play

    Play Registered User

    Dec 25, 2002
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    Re: Re: Im fu**ed

  15. Play

    Play Registered User

    Dec 25, 2002
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    Re: Re: Im fu**ed


    Thanks for shortening that too....
    Gutted for madders..... basicly he's been shagged from behind with the fat end of a baseball bat!!!!! :evil: << Madders
  16. Miller

    Miller Registered User

    May 4, 2002
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    The Corner
    Remember people Madders might be the guilty party in this, he may sound very sincere but just wait till the courts verdict, I'm sure they will get to the bottom of this!! Before anyone starts I'm not saying that he isn't telling the truth, but there is always 2 sides of the story!;)
  17. Glitter Angel

    Glitter Angel Registered User

    Feb 10, 2002
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    Pink Heaven
    thats what i thought too, it all sounds very complicated though!!
  18. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    dont know anything about sundissential, or madders, or anything.... but...

    if your in a business to make money - then it seems a little unprofessional to have never gotten an agreement drawn up at any stage. you cant afford to trust anyone these days - everyone is out there for their own interests, and even the best relationships can, and obviously do go wrong at some point.

    he should have his day in court, yeah..... but next time get a contract drawn up :rolleyes:
  19. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Don't know the ins and outs so I wot comment, but the more I learn about the clubbing indutsry the more I loathe it.

    It is like no other industry I've ever experienced.
  20. scruf

    scruf Registered User

    Oct 2, 2002
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    Islington, London
    was gonna post excatly that miller... theres ALWAYS two sides no matter what.. if sundiss does go completley its a sad day for clubbing and clubbers no matter what your taste in dance music may be or whatever way you read what he has said... :(

    tho from the emotive way in which that was written id be mostly inclined to believe madders.. the only thing that strikes me as odd is how on earth this could happen without madders or anyone else inside sundiss being aware of it? :confused:
  21. Sleepy

    Sleepy Registered User

    Mar 15, 2002
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    aye true - cud be complete bullshit...BUT....reading that sounds like summit from the heart of a devestated man i think!!!!!!

    sad news :(

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