Mallorca Lee - Medication Vacation (Part 1) [MLXL] Lets have it XL ! The latest single from Mallorca Lee 'Medication Vacation' will be released in two parts. The track started off as a DJ Tool he was road testing for his long awaited XL album but after just a few plays out it quickly became the opening track in all his DJ sets. Its simple b-line catches your attention in a bleep filled frenzy ! Fabio Stein has turned in an absolute monster remix adding his trade mark production style to an almighty break down with lush strings until the track slams back into action... Watch the track ripping up Gatecrashers Outdoor Arena @ Coloursfest 2010 [ame=""]YouTube- coloursfest_2010_Mallorca Lee.mp4[/ame] Part two will be released next month and will include another remix of MEDICATION VACATION from Mallorca to accompany Indecent Noise's Swift Kick to the Nuts Remix. OUT NOW Release : Mallorca Lee :: Medication Vacation (Part 1) Record Label : MLXL Cat. # : MLXL07 Tracklist: 1. Medication Vacation (Fabio Stein's Uprise Re-Interpretation) 2. Medication Vacation (Original Mix) Available NOW in the following stores: iTunes : Beatport : Audiojelly : DJDownload : Trackitdown : Junodownload :
Mallorca Lee - Live @ The Hanger 13 (Orginal place in Jockland) [ame=""]YouTube- Ultrasonic live in Hanger 13[/ame] Remember boshing Mick Mills with Mallorca & Rodger form US @ The Top Hat in Spennymoor town. Shame he is Celtic fan though.
i was there haha (only cause my mate won tickets). music was decent crowd was canny diar. here we fucking go chant was constant