Max & Paddy Does anyone else agree with me that not only has Max & Paddy been very disappointing but it's not getting any better & dare I say it,it's not been very funny,apart from the odd 1 or 2 gems eg.The Belgrano Sisters.What do you think? Peter Kay is a comical genius but this has been,IMO, a bit of a flop.
You need to watch each episode a couple of times to appreciate some of the one liners or even notice some of them, its fucking hilarious if you ask me. When they hijacked the bus full of kids was well funny "Yo mofo its proper wack that"
Bloody hell if you think Max & Paddy is "hilarious" i fear for your general health if you ever sit down and watch something that is hilarious, i.e Phoenix nights
Defas, like last week when he was trying to sell the pig and the bloke goes i've got a feamle round the back that needs servicing and he goes "hold up fella we'll see to the pig first" missed it first time round.
Ermmm do you not realise people all dont have the same tastes as you... if we did it would be a boring place with everyone liking the same music, films, footy team etc etc