Michael Is U Up 4 Gettin Dressed Up Like Charvas N TAKIN A PURELY WAXA PHOTY TO POST ON THE BOARD ILL SUPPLY THE STRIPEYS ps did u get them shoes
Diamond jumpers I can c y u think stripey jumpers r 4 charvas but that jumper with the diamonds on that i wear to college isnt all the lasses think its really nice and totally trendy- bsides i got it bought 4 me off an old g/friend so even if people thnk its terrible it wosnt my choice *somebody back me up here*
smart shoes those r the coolest shoes in the world eva i wish i would aford a pair i would be a proper charva like clarki with his stripey jumper and his nova which has novadose spray painted down the side. by the way clarki wen u gonna pass your driving test? p.s. i dont really want to b a charva like clarki
id had a bad w/end b4 me last test thats y i failed i wos real upset i sat in the bath 4 3 hours! (truth) ps thanx 4 the lolly u bought me to cheer me up
CHEERS pardon my ignorance but wot does I LMFAO and IMAO mean? sos 4 bein a doofus but im not internet compatible
LMAO = Laughing my arse off and surprise surprise LMFAO = Laughing My Fucking Arse Off.... its not really that impressive
Energizer bunny that web-cam i got is well cool u can put batterys in and take it walkys with 80 photo storage memory! ill bring it into college and get a nice photy of u and lorri 4 me err! *thinkin* wall!
ok then that shud b funny we can take a photo of murray and show all these people wot a real charva is.