Luckly most of em are so ugly so their plan failed
There's Muslamic Rape Gangs operating in the UK, and they're bringing Iraqi law to this country.... Probably
I think you mean Sharīʿah law Conners, aye apparently its rife, luckily we have the EDL and they 'never surrender'!
Yeah all Muslims are ugly what a load of rubbish Pike come's out with. I play that clip to every person who try's to tell me how the EDL are going to help Britain the last thing we need is Coked and largered up cretins try to defend something they don't understand. Two lads I worked with tried to attack a mosque in the west end thanks to this awful propaganda there looking at years inside one of there mates was Muslim as well. We told them over and over again not to get involved as the politics behind are total off the map as soon as the cuts came and we did not work with them off they went like a White Geordie version of 3 lions straight into fail land. Live and Let live or go and join the army and fight the Taliban.
There ranks are swelled by wannabe 'Top Boys' who missed out on kicking lumps out of each other on the terraces in the 80's, they think wacking a SI jumper and Prada beanie on there credit card instantly gives them 'bottle' when most of them could'nt punch there way out of a brown paper bag, i fucking hate racists.
These lads weren't even that little kids playing to the Jubilee Estate reputation problem was they had a lad who could of been a good boxer which gave them a bit of front. They would back down straight away in Sessions to older lads and workers 14 months ago they were taking the mick out of me for wearing North-face next Christmas they all get one going on its better than Super-Dry one of the older lads pointed out that's what i said word for word. The problem is we worked with them till the cuts they would go about the E.D.L. I used tell how my Granddad got the M.C. fighting a war so we could live in a secular Europe and they would listen i told i have no love for Fundamentalist in any Religion or Race they went on about the Poles I pointed out they taught us how to beat the Germans Fighter pilots in the Battle of Britain and flew with our lads when Britain Needed them the most. They would listen a bit and I found them hard work total ignorance and Blind anger not surprised as soon as anywhere they had left to go got cut they went on the Rampage. They deserve what they get but its the older lads putting under 16 year old up to it that are the real disgrace to me.
As a father of 3 the parents are responsible up to a point, watch the way any child copies there parents at an early age and you will know what i mean. The amount of shit some of us had to go through in the 80's because we were 'Paki lovers', having to change our jackets around if we had been to the Trent House on a Saturday in case some fucking wideo saw us in there, never mind having to explain to a bunch of nuckleheeds who didnt jump aboard the acid house express why on earth we were going to a known 'puffs club' AKA Rockshots. Bunch of fucking retards. *gets off soapbox*
I jumped on the Soap Box a little as well its all good I remember being called a 'wigger' at school because I liked Hip-Hop still do and Grime dress in stussy and Rocawear love the Wire etc. I even though the lads I work with have a soft spot for Makina and white working class culture from Football to Rave ( I grew up on a council estate) its more about social responsibility to me. The govt cuts have taken away those people that can help these kids get into Music or sport rather hate and smashing things up and not 30 or 40 year olds encouraging kids to go "Paki" bashing or blaming black people for what's wrong in society Immortal Technique sums it up better than I ever could. Change black and Hispanic to working class and you get the idea.
The EDL is mere taster for the far right. There days are over in the North Of England after Blackburn
Sorry must of forgot you had conducted a scientific experiment regarding the perceived appeal of female Muslims and posted the findings here. Please enlighten me further on the subject are you E.D.L. Pike. As for spin no it's a counter argument to show a different view point to yours.
Loving the outdated stereotypes "most muslims are ugly". What next? Most Irish are thick, Most scots wear kilts, Most black people should be in chains working plantations?
I quite like Pike's little outburst's make me feel a little more educated and better about myself, obviously when my girlfriend is raped by Muslamic rape gangs and my House looted by black yoot. I might feel less smug. But until then this and the oldschool threads got me posting again.
Immortal technique is IMO the best political Rapper on the planet check his albums revoluntionary Volumes 1&2 some great tracks and probably the Sickiest ever Hip-Hop Track ever 'Dance with the Devil' The guy self financed his own label and also set up a School in Afganastan. He sticks to his principles which is good to see and resists the Bling Bling Hip-Hop Cliche. Really intelligent guy his flow is a bit off but everything else is great,one the best battle Mc's out there as well.