My Last Promise! (i mean it this time!) O.k I know I've said it b4 but this week reeeeeeally is my last promise!! I'm not going to be around till February and then I'm away to Sri lanka for 6 months and wont have time to come out anyway Hence u all have to BUY ME DRINKS How on earth am I going to last till 4 I'm not as hardcore as i used to be P.s for those who know me....try not to damage your tastebuds too much on friday cus me and Mr competitive *i can do anything better than you* smartE are having a cooking competition in my kitchen when we get home
baaaah i gotta have a little sumthing for the creative not planning on eating it...just cooking it!
Me thinks you should get Jamie Oliver round to judge it then you can all give him a good kicking afterwards for generally being a twat
Be very careful when you use the dictionary on Nokia fones, you can end up saying something different to what you meant. e.g... -Lick your pussy till you scream=kick your puppy till you scream -aunt=c**t -coal=anal=cock (interesting juxtaposition!) -Rupert=purest (not funny unless you know my friend Rupert) -dublin=fuckin anyone got any more?
i cant believe your leavin hun i know i aint really know ya 4 that long but tis gonna be shit wivout ya!! will see ya fri anyways lookin forward to afta promise 2!!! see ya soon!!! xxxx
ah mefinx this could be a weekend to remember...eddie and john and then helens big weekender excited already!!
Re: My Last Promise! (i mean it this time!) oh mint will ave to see smaRT E pants serving up some delicious treatz!!! me finx fri will be class!!!