nano anyone got one yet? i'm exchanging my i-river for one cos its become completely unusable, unresponsive, sluggish etc. suprised me cos the people who reccomended them on here are usually the ones who talk the most sense....
Re: nano the thing with the net though mate, is people will only big up the stuff they've got so there advice will be biased some what. I know i'm guilty of it sometimes
Re: BRIAN yeah - i mean spec wise...capacity is poo the main thing though is the concern about how easily they damage....ppl taking lawsuits out against apple
i think i probably used the wrong wording there :blush: granted they look class...but they dont appear to live upto their look.
Re: Re: BRIAN wasn't that in regards the battery life of i-pods in general? ie. being shorter than specified? you get that with nearly all mp3 players from what i've heard... i've got full insurance so if it even gets so much as a scratch on the screen i can return it... can't get over how easy it was to take my i-river in, i could of carried on using it, just a few things niggled me about the firmware... it worked fine in the shop too, sods law! offered an immediate replacment to the same value none the less suckers
yeah but the internet is now offically known as the most unreliable source of information going, think thats why internet 2 is being thought about.
only to those who dont know where to look. its like anything else, you grown to know what to trust and what not to trust. internet 2 aint to filter out crap into its just an enhanced protocol thats all
I think its just the internet but for registered company's and reliable information. I think a lot of big mutlinationals are pissed off with the slowness of the internet because of virus and what not so they are developing a new one that will be closed off from joe public, and they will only be able to view the pages and not create there own.
might seem a stupid question, but do the video i-pods play films? iPod Registration depending on screen size, this could be a better choice....
Re: nano What model IRiver did you get??? You are actually the first person I have come across with one who doesnt think its the best thing ever Rather than getting an Ipod get something like a Creative Zen
So long as you get the Film n MPEG-4 format then yes I would imagine so, class idea like. I've also heard the nanos are a bit gash like, a couple of mixes and its full, and just so much as look at the screen and itll be ruined aswell! Looks pretty, perfoms poorly. Creative Zen is a great player. TRUE 24 hour battery life and 20gb. But its not all pretty and curvy so it wont be on your list.