nar, it aint worth it if ya ask me, the telewest was 26 quid, and i had a much better time than the last NEC. u gotta get 2 brum 2, thats an extra 20-40 squid. and it'll b packed. line up's fookin good tho
its 40 quid a ticket btw, plus bookin fee and postage, sorry, im bein a bit negative, but never mind.
yeah agree's wif andy...wikid line NEC one yet i finx but its just too costly! been to the other two and they were both good but the GK fing at the telewest was just as good...if not better and was way cheaper!!! the trek back from brum too aint really that nice either
of course i'll try son but i doubt it!!that lovely lady who give cheap tickets aint been spotted 4 a while!!