New Fire It Up Video [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
well its his video so there obviously gonna be in favour and slightly biased towards him but i wouldnt have any complaints if he was or is the uks number 1 dj!
He's fkn unreal Halliwell to be honest, regardless of what anyone says and i look forward to seeing him in Ibiza or if i can in the UK before that.
i daint care what people say about him i kna its cool not to like him, fair play he does piss about with cdjs a lot and that 'eddie eddie' chant is social suicide, but i think hes alreet.
I think he is quality nd has never once dissapointed, I understand that jumping all over the dj box and all the 'elbows' action isnt for everyone but i think its fkin mint. some of the thing he pulls of are immense, halliwell is fuckin unreal full stop :worship:
Think some1 is trying to follow in his footsteps [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
thats fucking terrible - he even used the exact 2 tracks halliwell used at gods in brum and copied the way he dropped that sample in jesus
[ame=""]YouTube- DJ GOTTI LIQUID NEWCASTLE[/ame] who is this guy?