**new track** hey people hope all is well ect.... just a clip of my new track iam working on http://www.speedyshare.com/185421598.html also sunset is now out on my own label and dream will be due out soon on tsl recordings.... hope ya like the track and feed back more then welcome
not to bad, some areas you need to work on though is the arrangement, you need to introduce some elements into the track instead of just having them start on the first beat of sections. You also need to build and reduce the track to give it more variation. Think of your track and two pyramids next to each other the second one higher than the first, the points being the parts where the track peaks. Also you need to create more of an emphasis on the end of sections using fills, dropping the kick out for a few beats just doesn't cut it in todays music(well not every fill anyway, maybe once or tiwce in a track is acceptable), you have to be a little more intricate. Musical elements are ok, and production is nice too!!!