New tune 'The old wooden ship clique - The Futura' Housey tune ive been working on with a mate, not been producing for long so any feedback would be well appreciated still not quite finished but nearly there
noticed id forgot to sort out my levels before exporting this haha will upload a sorted version 2moro upload with levels sorted on now any feedback would be appreciated cheers
nice kick, good sound bass comes in too loud/abrupt at 30secs synth opens out nice extra perc that starts at 115 takes too long to do anything vocal sample is buried in the mix, think about putting it somewhere / places less busy track needs a breakdown and a b section oh theres the break at 4 minutes - too late for me and relax... those are my thoughts on the first listen. don't take offence, i'm not having a go hope that helps now let the barrage of arse licking commence "its great!" "why isnt it signed!?" "have my babies!" theres a start
Cheers for the feedback - no offense taking would rather some decent feedback with stuff i can work on than nothing, Think im going to add a break near the start similar to that @ the 4 min mark, im not keen on the idea of moving the vocal samples though would some tinkering with eqs bring them out abit better? or filter other layers or something Im not even thinking about sending anything out to labels or anything as i haven't even finished a track yet/just started producing
ha great finishing them is half the battle try side chaining the vocals and eq them at around 2k to bring out the snap a bit more (remembering to low cut as well) they need to be louder, but try turning other things down rather than just boosting them over everything