NIGHT OWLS online webcast FOR DJs & Clubbers For those that want some tunes when they leave Promise and dont have the regular decks and DJs to grace their place this Saturday morning, Saturday 18th April 2002 after the trance classics night - Night Owls online webcast will be playing various trance from proggy to Hard Trance. DJs to play are TechnoOrgasm's very own NESS & JimE Craig. from 4am - 6am - log on, tune in and turn it up! even with a 56k connection the quality is REAL!! *PS sorry Mark for using the board for this, but it is for the good of the local talent as any bedroom DJ may apply to play an hour set on it
lol.....not sure, i stream it destined for a 28k so it works on all 56k etc....and the quality is ab fab due to me using a REAL Server ... which i connect to and then it streams it to listeners. So its shit hot really
Re: NIGHT OWLS online webcast FOR DJs & Clubbers Is it in a timewarp like mate im sure it will be April 20 th lol
lol @ me - what a daft twat, yeah mate the 20th!!!!! its cos i checked my calendar here at the digital type - on the wall, and it says today is the 16th!!! lol sorrry peeeeeps