Number 1 fucking cunting number 1 bus is a fucking joke!! ive been stood in the rain for an hour waiting for the stupid fucking motherfucker!! i hope all the nexus people get fucking bird flu and there knobs fall off. bastards. "rant over"
there's always fooking loads of numbers 1's go past the civic centre... and fooking 38's... double deckers and all... loads of them. yet a 300 turns up - it's a single deckers thats HEAVING with rah's from newcastle uni... surley they've got hounds they can ride home, wot wot?
I always get really pissed off waiting for buses and end up walking, rain or shine. I waited for the no.1 for 20mins after it was meant to arrive one day, then i got face on and decided to walk home...with a sprained ankle. I think i just get raj in bus queues public transport
the number 1 is utter shite. you wait for fucking ages and 2 go past the other way. just as you are about to give up 3 turn up at once. once you are on it almost always stops between heaton road and heaton park road to either change driver or move you to the bus behind. GRRRR! :evil: its the shittest bus in newcastle, thats why i prefer the coast road and 62, 63 buses.
plus if you are forced onto the top deck there are always sodding charvers smoking and shouting at the back fucking little runts... i fucking hate public transport with the great unwashed
public transport is bollox! even if i did have acar i wouldnt take it into newcastle cause its an absolute fortune to park for the amount of time i spend there nearly all day everyday smog - is paula off to prague @ the weeekend? have a great time
onea the buses from blyth to newcastle never turned up for my mate last year, missed his job interview and didn't get the chance to rearrange it. they gave him a free bus pass for 1 week after he not so politely let them know what had happened didnt really make up for losing the chance of a job though!!