[Oct 6, 2012] noc noc presents..Deep Cycle compilation launch with Rory Cochrane (Newcastle)

Discussion in 'Going Out' started by roryc, Sep 16, 2012.

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  1. roryc


    Sep 1, 2010
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    Newcastle, UK
    Join us in our new home up in the loft of Bar Loco for a Deep Site Recordings special with Rory Cochrane to celebrate the launch of his Deep Cycle compilation album.

    Many will remeber Rory as a member of the Deepdownmusic crew & the infamous Love Boat parties in Durham..

    These days Rory is is A&R manager & Co-Owner of Deep Site Recordings an independent digital recordings label specialising in Deep & Soulful music. Deep Site is all about sophisticated production on a level that respected artists will recognise instantly.

    Rory will be bringing some mixed cd's down of the forthcoming compilation to give away on the night.
    See event info http://www.facebook.com/events/467898653242274/
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