Ok, so i was walking through town today..... ......when this random came walking towards me pointing, and just looked at me and said "Promise". erm, yeah, do i know you? he says he sees me all the time in promise and talks to me, but ive never ever seen him b4 in my life! after he'd had a 5 min convo he walked away saying "c u next week" oh my god, how scary is that!!!
Yeah, I can see it now! Random : "HI, I know you from Promise" Kez : "Oh do you" R : "Yes, you have nothing in the bank at this moment" K : "Thats because I am a drop out bum" R : "I know that, I have been stalking you for months" K : "Oh, thats nice"
ive never seen him before in my life. and im normally very good with faces, i never ever forget a face (except sloppy's) its still annoying me that i cant remember who he is!