OldSkoolRessesion on PEAKINGFM tongiht 7.30/9pm tonight on PEAKINGFM - EarlGrey doing the OldSkoolRession , all angles of oldskool from the late 80's thru to the mid 90's. broadcasting from 7.30 til 9pm - internet only until website and ariel are setup , soon hopefully. hope u can tune in , no conversation - just music . Earl Grey LINKS: Winamp: http://cp.internet-radio.org.uk/tunein.php/peakingfm/playlist.pls Windows Media Player: http://cp.internet-radio.org.uk/tunein.php/peakingfm/playlist.asx Real Player: http://cp.internet-radio.org.uk/tunein.php/peakingfm/playlist.ram QuickTime: http://cp.internet-radio.org.uk/tunein.php/peakingfm/playlist.qtl
Earl Grey's Old Skool Resession now on the podcast Listen again to the show, download the mp3 and subscribe to the podcast here: http://peakingfm.mypodcast.com/