Parkour/Free Running Did anyone see this program on Channel 4 last night bout midnight?! Fecking awesome... they had some french guys who invented the sport jumping and swinging from Tyne Bridge and jumping across towers on top of the Baltic!! I know theres been videos posted in the link forum. But it is hella impressive!! They actually go to training sessions to learn moves and shit. After watching it I wanted to go run from rooftop to rooftop doing somersaults and jumps!! If anyone interested!!
yeah some of the stuff is really impresive. a few kids around mine think they are freerunners, i laugh at them every day
There's groups or 'crews' popping up everywhere!! Like these guys the DPKK crew from Darlington!! They're shite....
yeah mate, these goons are "goths" so to speek, they jump up onto a wall run along it then jump off. daring i know. i could do it better than them, they cant even cartwheel! the sick thing is, they think girls love it when everyone laughs at them. looooosers imo