People who have nothing better to do .... ... Than post the first thing that comes into their heads on here. 1. Get a job OR 2. Get some fresh air outside OR 3. Read a book OR 4. Mix with some other people in real life OR 5. Increase the dose on your medication. .... christ, talk about meaningless drivvel.
bite us. I've enjoyed the board lately for once me and pike haven't carried it there's been numerous people creating witty threads.
Joe, im sure once youve had your fun with the prolitariate, you'll be sniffing out for more meaningful reasons to post
it has it's good days, once it's going. Otherwise, like yesterday and today - it's been complete toss.
not this week... I'm taking it easy - worked like a dog so I'm now walllowing in the mindless drivel posted by egotistical peasants