please be carefull... didnt know whether to post this or not but at the weekend there was a serious car crash on sunday morning in sheffield. the car had four people in...and sadly 2 of them died, one is in hospital and the other is ok. i knew one of the girls that died...and although i only knew her for a short time i was deeply saddened of the news. i know quite a few of her friends also, and everyone is devastated by the loss of two of their friends. Theres also a few people who go to promise who were very close to those involved and are going through what can only be described as terrible pain. my thoughts are with them all. i know what happened doesnt involve alot of people on here but i just wanted to write to make people remember the dangers of driving after clubbing. in this case drugs wernt involved and it was just a terrible accident, but alot of the time people drive home after taking drugs, or get in a car with someone who has taken drugs (which ive done many times myself) and im just asking people to be more careful...even without drugs tiredness can affect those who drive which could cause accidents also. i know everyone knows this already but its took something like this to make me realise the dangers we are putting ourselves in. please just be careful.
kinda of knew her too, sadened(sp?) and shocked this was posted yesterday
Very sorry to hear about this, i didnt know them but my thoughts are with them. This nearly happened to me a year ago, infact a year this sunday, coming back from Judement Sunday. Luckily for me, my friends and I came out of the accident alright, but it was a really bad accident which easily could have taken our lives, ive have learned big lessons from this and like sloppy says would just like to warn people about the dangers.