Pregnant Women I need a gift idea for a pregnant woman! What do you get for them to make them smile or something to spoil themselves. Its a leaving present and I dont wana get her just something for the baby :spangled: HELP
How long until she has the baby? I would get her something to treat herself with after the baby is born.
Condoms so that next time its easier for you to think of a gift!!!! Seriously though, something such as vouchers that she can either use now or after the birth
anywhere but mothercare! somewhere nice, my friend got my nails done cause when you first have a child you feel minging for ages and never have time to do anything until you have adjusted to having the baby
sometimes I worry your child could be feeling a little left out. Your friends buy presents for you instead of it. You spend your weekends caning narcotics. You spend your daytimes attention seeking on messageboards. You spend your evenings chatting to you 12 year old heart throb. poor little sods probably lonely as hell.
god damn it il give her up for adoption now :cry2: im such a bad mammy!! anyway clarki's 21 so thats not too bad! as for attention seeking you now it