Promise Always Group on Audiogalaxy... Since we now have 200 members I thought I should remind everybody that we have a group on Audiogalaxy. Anyone from the board can join. When you join the group it means that you can share youre Audiogalaxy Shared Directory with the other members of the group. This means they can browse youre shared directory and que files to download to their PC via the Satelite. Members can also use the message board which is located on the group page to tell other members what new tunes/mixes they have. Then other members can ask to have the tune/mix sent to there que to download via their Satelite. We are getting loads of new tunes/mixes all the time... We have Matt Hardwick's Essential Mix and DJ Scot Project from 22-01-2002 aswell as many others. Promise Always (Audigalaxy) Click the above link and then apply to join.
arrraggh no, give me a bit i need to clear some space on my pc, ive got a 4 gig partition full of mp3's, wouldnt be arsed but its my work pc
nick there will be a link saying "join here" click on that and it will come u are waitng to be accepteed then me or snarf will accept u its soo esy plus the c.d is in my shared files i will send it to u straight away!! the new trance energy sets will also be within my shared files within the next few days!!!!! sets from Cosmic gate, Blank and jones, rank1, johan gielen, yves dreutyer, and more!! oh yes and d.j jean!!
hello i know this is gonna make me sound thich as fuck but what do i do after i've logged in??? im an iccle bit confoosed!
hopefuly whenever u return 2 audiogalaxy you should be logged in automaticaly. so just click on the link at the beggining of this thread then click on the link that says click here to join on the page it takes u to.
whats everyones total downloads.... on my work id mine are.... sent: 12,810.17 MB / recv: 5,357.89 MB
sent: 679.29 MB / recv: 12,111.59 MB went through a massive phase of burning then deleting everything straight away!!
snarf could u send me the scott p SET! pleease any1 want tiestos 7hr set sent to them ?? tis such a class set!! he plays loads new tunes!!
Question- I've tried dragging and dropping mp3's into my audiogalaxy satellite file. The files look like they are there, but, when I run the satellite and look at my tune list they are not listed. i.e. on my pc I can see them in the file, but not when looking from the audiogalaxy page. What am I doing wrong??
satellites?mp3s?thank god i just go clubbing, and not make music. i do fancy a pair of cd deks, (the individual ones, any ideas where to purchase?loopy x
LOL @ loopyloosy!! It ain't that complicated even cyberted can get his ickle brain around it all!! Erm gadgetshop I think for CD decks. I could be wrong.
lmao!! i know init paul if i can get my head round it anyone can!! hahaha! for cd decks try global d.j center they ahvea good selection!!