PUSH finally arrives at Promise!!! Just checked his website, hes due to play July 6th!!! WOOHOO!! Another night of quality trance from Europe...where trance is best!!!
Fucking Excellent! I love Push, and all their tunes, although I've never heard them play. Can't wait!! Gizmo x
Yup it's gonna rock a fat one!! Never heard Push play either but Universal Nation took my breath away the first time I heard it in about 1999 or possibly before not sure on Jules' set on Radio 1. Cant wait. Anyone got an idea of what kind of tuneage to expect from Taucher? I love the choons Ive heard him produce but I hope it's not gonna be just hard, hard, hard cos I eventually get a headache and lose interest (must be gettin old!!) One Eyed
This sounds like good news to me If M.I.K.E/Push plays half as good as he produces then I will be prepared to be blown away Universal Nation/Strange World/Legacy/Trancy State of Mind hmmmm.....i say no more
OH THIS IS THE ONE ME HAS BEEN WAITING FOR!!!!!! icant make it to crasher on sat to see him on sat so this will be the nite!!! shame he had food posioning last time i went to see him!!! so hopefully hwe will be fit and well!!! if not me thinks eddie should be drafted in to do a job lik he did @ crasher that time when M.I.K.E was ill!!! but sure he will be fine!!! ohh cant wiat for this one!!!!!
ooooooooooooh push!!!!! will definately be there for that one! I have never seen push before but have a load of the vinyls and i love them- especially strange world!