
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Traffic, Aug 23, 2005.

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  1. Traffic

    Traffic Wait a minute

    Jul 26, 2004
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    do not use this company they are pricey and shoddy!!!

    we used them for dance valley and they promised a party boat in which consisted of a tiesto cd on a stero!!!

    also when we got to the dam resulted in the guy who had the tickes still in bed and they couldnt wake him up, and the bus didnt arrive a 10 seater bus did for all 47of us!!

    an hour passed a we had to get a bus, ferry and a train just to get to the festival!!

    the guy who organised it all must have made £60 on each person and he was a little twat who had taken too many drugs on the way there didnt even know where he was!!

    just thought id share my anger as i just got an e-mail off then asking form feedback

    again rubbish!!!!
    :) :)
  2. 1615634792921.png

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