riddle game just found this and i cant get passed the 1st part just thought yud like a shot (hope it works) http://www.blifaloo.com/puzzles/agree/1agree.php
i have also got my stupid head on 2day n cant get past the second !!! edit :- sussed it , onto the next stage !!
I know the answer I think but do you have to register? where do you type the answer in:think: I don't know
on the page in the login box the username is user and the password is the one word answer to the riddle
No hun u dont need to register , u need to really analyse the clues on the 1st page tho to get the password !!! hint , google comes in handy !!
me neither i found the full poem but cant suss out the ???? in the web address , thats if that really is the way to the next stage lol !!
Same here, Tried a few answers but just ain't got it Does it mean the word had 4 letters? It must do I'm so gonna be treying to do this all afternoon :bang: